Overwhelming evidence has delineated the importance of “scientific paradigm”, i.e., scholarly consensus, or the degree to which a particular discipline has achieved agreement on priorities to teach and research, including the methods used to perform these endeavors. The discipline of “pharmacy practice” which we contend embraces both clinical pharmacy and social pharmacy has made strides but could do more to advance its paradigm. The journals publishing work in this area can do a great service to its constituent scholars by increasing the visibility of the work published as well as the rigor and quality of that work. This will be facilitated by the journals working together for a common cause so as to assist researchers, authors, reviewers, and publishers.
About Us
Pharmacy practice has been defined as “the scientific discipline that studies the different aspects of the practice of pharmacy and its impact on health care systems, medicine use, and patient care”. Like any other scientific discipline, clinical and social pharmacy practice disseminates research findings using scientific journals. Clinical pharmacy and social pharmacy journal editors have a role in promoting the discipline by enhancing the quality of the articles published.
As has occurred in other health care areas (i.e., medicine and nursing), a group of clinical and social pharmacy practice journal editors gathered in Granada, Spain to discuss how journals could contribute to strengthening pharmacy practice as a discipline. The result of that meeting was compiled in these Granada Statements, which comprise 18 recommendations gathered into six topics: the appropriate use of terminology, impactful abstracts, the required peer reviews, journal scattering, more effective and wiser use of journal and article performance metrics, and authors’ selection of the most appropriate pharmacy practice journal to submit their work.
As has occurred in other health care areas (i.e., medicine and nursing), a group of clinical and social pharmacy practice journal editors gathered in Granada, Spain to discuss how journals could contribute to strengthening pharmacy practice as a discipline. The result of that meeting was compiled in these Granada Statements, which comprise 18 recommendations gathered into six topics: the appropriate use of terminology, impactful abstracts, the required peer reviews, journal scattering, more effective and wiser use of journal and article performance metrics, and authors’ selection of the most appropriate pharmacy practice journal to submit their work.
Our Mission and Aims
The overall mission of the Granada Statements is to improve the visibility and quality of pharmacy practice research.
Access the Granada Statements
The Granada Statements are currently endorsed by the following journals:
Research in Social and Administrative, Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, Farmacia Hospitalaria, Journal de Pharmacie Clinique, Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, Ars Pharmaceutica, Pharmacy Education, Revista Brasileira de Farmacia Hospitalar e Serviçios de Saude, Canadian Pharmacists Journal.
They have been published concurrently in 12 journals, all as open access publications.
Research in Social and Administrative, Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, Farmacia Hospitalaria, Journal de Pharmacie Clinique, Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, Ars Pharmaceutica, Pharmacy Education, Revista Brasileira de Farmacia Hospitalar e Serviçios de Saude, Canadian Pharmacists Journal.
They have been published concurrently in 12 journals, all as open access publications.
Common Scope
All the Journals endorsing the Granada Statements share a common scope, which is reflected in their shared opening paragraph. Access our common scope on the link below.
The Granada Group Journals
If you are a pharmacy practice and education researcher, you may select the best journal to submit your scholarly work from the Granada Group. You can read each journal endorsing the Granada Statements together with their description and website link.
Current initiatives
We are currently working on the development of a glossary of preferred terms in pharmacy practice research, which will be available and recommended for prospective authors. Our next working meeting will be held in June 2024.
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